
For any pupil to meet their full potential academically, a consistently high level of attendance is crucial.  At this school, we aim to ensure the highest possible levels of attendance for all, thereby enabling every pupil to take full advantage of the educational opportunities, both academic and social, which are available to them.

In line with our ethos, this school is committed to providing the best possible education for our pupils, ensuring equal opportunities for all.  Our intention is that each individual feels valued and supported. Our emphasis is on building excellent working relationships with pupils and ensuring a calm, orderly, safe and stimulating learning environment where all pupils want to be and where they are keen and ready to learn.

We have three attendance dragons at Stratford Primary who love coming to school and visiting the classes. The classes with the highest attendance each week get to have George, Desmond or Mildred visit and involve them in learning. 

We have an attendance display in our school hall which shows attendance over the term and also some of the activities George and Desmond get up to with the children. 

At Stratford Primary School our attendance target is 97%
The attendance lead for Stratford Primary is Mrs G Humphriss
If in a school day you are late every day by...
5 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
20 minutes
30 minutes
 You would have lost approximately...
3.5 days from school
7 days from school
10 days from school
14.5 days from school
22 days from school
 or you would have missed approximately...
18 lessons
35 lessons
50 lessons
73 lessons
110 lessons
We recognise that for some children due to additional needs they may struggle to come to school on time. We work closely with our families to support those children in feeling safe in school and work with each individual child on a plan which helps them to access school in their own time. 
A Parent Support Group is running at Lifeways Therapy Centre; this is for parents of children who are struggling to attend school. 
For parents to book on, they would need to email